What is Hazardous Waste?

Hazardous waste is defined as any substance or material that may have harmful effects on human health and the environment.

Typically Produced by manufacturers and other industry organizations, hazardous waste has been determined by the EPA to contain elements and properties that may have potentially harmful effects.

However, there are very specific protocols that must be followed when disposing of waste. identified as dangerous. When deciding how to properly handle the generated waste, it is important to be able to identify the hazardous waste classifications.

The four classifications of hazardous waste

Hazardous waste often differs from each other. The EPA has identified four main categories into which hazardous waste can be classified. Each categorization comes with different risks and disposal methods. If treated or handled improperly, this waste can have very harmful effects on the environment. For this reason, it is necessary to understand the main classification categories of each.

The four identifiable classifications are enumeration residues, characteristic residues, universal residues, and mixed residues.

In the listed waste, there are four sub-types of listed waste. This includes the waste that falls on the F-List, K-List, P-List, and U-List.

Unlike the residues listed, these distinctive residues follow the identification process depending on the properties they exhibit. Below are the four characteristics identified with waste.

Also known as General Generated Waste, another classification of hazardous waste. These types of waste typically include lightbulbs, devices containing mercury, pesticides and batteries. These wastes are some of the most commonly produced and are often referred to as "dangerous goods".

Finally, mixed waste is waste that contains both hazardous and radioactive components.
Because mixed waste contains hazardous and radioactive materials, its treatment and disposal differ.

Mixed waste is identified as one of three types of mixed waste. This can be mixed low-level radioactive waste (LLMW), high-level mixed waste (HLW), and mixed transuranic waste (MTRU).

It is important to know the correct disposal methods if your company or organization produces waste that is considered hazardous.

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