Used only can only be recycled by licensed processors and collectors and can only be stored in safe and compliant metal or plastic drums and containers. Small amounts of used oil may be dropped off at designated drop-off zones or at a larger storage facility. Your local municipality might also have oil storage facilities. Larger quantities of used oil need to be stored safely until they can be collected by a licensed oil collector. The used is oil is then transported to a licensed processing facility where various hazardous substances are removed through various treatments. In South Africa we reprocess the used oil into industrial fuel as it can be sold as a substitute for heavy fuels that derive from crude oil.
You may either drop your used oil off at a designated drop-off zone or arrange for your used oils to be collected by a licensed collector. You may also enquire if your local vehicle service center will accept your used oil drop off as some have large used oil storage tanks that are regularly collected.
When you drain the lubricating oil from air compressors, turbines, hydraulic systems, gearboxes, engines, and machinery, we call that used oil. What contaminates oil includes:
Through the use of oil, it becomes contaminated with many harmful and hazardous chemicals and metals. Aquatic organisms and drinking water become contaminated through the ground and water being contaminated with the leakage and spillage of dirty used oil, whether on purpose or by accident. Groundwater systems can also be endangered by used oil being thrown on the ground or down drains. A million litres of water can be contaminated by improperly disposing of one litre. Through burning used oil it will contaminate the air we breathe by releasing harmful toxic compounds.